

1. 服务器要求:最低1核1G内存的云服务器一台,如果没有可以点击这里免费申请
2. 系统要求:linux系统、windows系统。建议使用linux系统。
3. 安装mysql 5.6或者mariadb 10及以上版本
4. 安装redis 5.0及以上版本
5. 安装nodejs v16.x
6. 安装yarn


1. 下载安装包

curl -O https://mg.bee-hole.com/install.npm.zip

2. 解压zip包

unzip install.npm.zip

3. 进入解压后的目录安装依赖包

yarn install

4. 执行安装命令

yarn start

5. 提示需要输入email接收验证码,输入email并回车

6. Check the email inbox to get the verification code, enter the numeric code, and press enter

7. Prompt to enter mysql host, port, user, and password

8. Prompt to enter redis host, port, and password

9. Prompt 'enjoy!' indicating the installation is complete. At this point, the backend URL, admin account and password, and frontend address will be provided.

At this point, if you can access the server internally, you should see the admin interface and the front-end of the online store.

If you want to make it publicly accessible, you will need to configure nginx, domain name, and start the server management supervisor service.

1. Install nginx. The following example demonstrates using a Debian system

apt-get install -y nginx

2. Run the following commands to configure nginx in the install-npm directory

yarn run config:nginx

3. Once nginx is successfully started, you can access the website externally using the domain name you have set up. Before viewing, make sure your domain *.abc.com points to your server.

4. Install supervisor

apt-get install -y supervisor

5. Configure supervisor and start

yarn run config:supervisor
supervisorctl status

Additional notes:

1. For other startup and configuration commands, please refer to the scripts section in the package.json file.

2. This system will continue to upgrade, add features, and fix bugs. If you encounter any issues, please prioritize using the following command to upgrade (make sure to backup the database before upgrading). If the problem still exists after the upgrade, please contact us.

yarn run upgrade

If you need to experience how to use it on Windows, please refer to the following process (this process includes the installation of MySQL and Redis services. Please do not use this method for deploying in a production environment):

Windows experience usage process

If you need to use Docker installation on Linux, please refer to the following process (this process includes the installation of MySQL and Redis services):

Linux system (with MySQL + Redis) Docker deployment usage process

Requires server performance of 4-core CPU, 8GB RAM or above.

If you encounter any problems during installation and usage,please click here to contact us.

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